I won't go into too many details about how we made the cake because it was pretty straight forward. The cake was white cake tinted with food coloring until it was the shade we wanted. The frosting was cream cheese frosting, which you can find the recipe for here. As for the butterflies, I think we'll make a tutorial sometime in the future. Now on to the cake because we're just so excited with how it turned out!
The cakes cooling off. I thought they looked like play dough.
The uncovered cakes while I was stacking and trimming them.
We tried to go with a tree bark sort of texture.
Ai was making the butterflies while I was baking! This is usually how we work, I'm the baker and she's awesome at decorating!
The butterflies while they were drying.
More butterflies!
Ai's piping skills are phenomenal!
We arranged the butterflies so that they spiraled upward in the order of the rainbow.
Since the cake was round, it was utterly impossible to get all the butterflies in the picture! >_<
Beautiful blue butterflies!
Transporting the cake was difficult! The poor butterfly on top decided to lay down! lol It was our fault for not giving the butterflies enough time to dry.
The inside of the cake!
We were so happy that the cake cut beautifully!
That's all for this week folks! October is coming, which means we'll be working on Halloween costumes!!!! Happy baking and crafting! ♥
This is absolutely spectacular! You can tell that a lot of love and time went into this cake :)