Happy Halloween! This year we decided to nerd out hard and do Pokemon! Ai and her boyfriend were the iconic Pikachu and Ash! I was Bulbasaur because he's a classic and I love his colors! The costumes were so much fun to make and wear. We showed them off over the weekend and were so thrilled by how excited everyone was over them! We did the big Halloween bar crawl thing that our city does every year and heard screams of PIKACHUUUUUUU and POKEMONNNNN (and SQUIRTLEEE because some people thought I was him! >_<) everywhere!
Like always we tried to make the costumes different from everyone else's. Ai I had the brilliant idea for me to make animal hoods! I used this pattern but I blew it up to make the hoods extra big. If you do use that pattern and tutorial be forewarned that the hood does come out about the size of just your head. I had to buy more fabric because I wasted some making the hood as it was. Anyway, I made mine and Ai's whole outfit, except for the leg furries and my shirt. Ai did Ash's hat and I made the shirt. I forgot to make Ash's gloves, but if we do end up wearing these to our local Comic Con in the spring I'll make sure to make some.
Alright enough of my rambling, it's time for the costumes!
Pikachu and Bulbasur!!! I love how the costumes turned out!
I love this pic! They make the cutest Ash and Pikachu couple ever!!!
Hahahaha we had fun playing around! "Pikachu sucker punch Bulbasuar!!!!!"
Ai is hands down the cutest Pikachu out there!!!
I'm Bulbasaur not Squirtle!!! >_< hahahaa I'm just glad no one thought I was a dinosaur!
Ash chooses you!!!!
A wild Pikachu appears!
hahaha we look a little creepy here! I think we were preparing for battle or something! We're obviously not good at modeling!
That's all for this week folks! I hope everyone has a fun and safe Halloween tonight!!! Now it's time to start on our Christmas crafts! Happy crafting!!! ♥